Legacy Lessons provides world-class training through experiential, skill-building opportunities that afford mastery.
Training Services
Services provide a strengths-based, experiential learning approach to skill-building and career-life design wherein participants are equipped with the knowledge, tools, resources, and methodology for building synergy within their home-lives and careers. Training can be conceptualized via 3 overarching categories:
Self-awareness is an innate capacity and teachable skill wherein one observes and remains curious about patterns in one’s mind and body, as well as those in their social, physical, and logistical world(s).
Self-awareness is a multidimensional concept. Here, awareness is conceptualized on a continuum. It is not that you either have it or lack it; rather, it is an evolving and at times, elusive concept that is difficult to measure. Opportunities for assessment can be explored to ensure desired change is being assessed.
Self-efficacy for Embodied Self-Regulation reflects the self-believed capacity to navigate challenges and supports within the realms of career and life that create opportunities for learning, growth, mastery, and wholeness.
Akin to self-awareness, this concept is multi-dimensional in nature (i.e., it encompasses a plethora of skills to be taught and learned); therefore, many assessment tools can be employed. However, Legacy Lessons recommends beginning with a physiological assessment (e.g., VO2 Max: maximal oxygen consumption), because it reduces subjectivity of the results, thereby enhancing its validity to support real-world change. Other potential assessment tools include those that capture the capacity for creative problem solving and/or adaptation.
Using an innovative methodology created by Dr. Licata, the relevant knowledge, skills, and resources are applied to accommodate the needs, goals, and values of individual employees and the company at large to co-create a sustainable, cooperative work culture for everyone.
Together (employers, employees, and Legacy Lessons) can choose reasonable measurement tools to determine their real-world progress and outcomes.
Legacy Lessons is happy to customize and build packages that align with the nuanced, multi-level needs of your employees, clients, and organization.
Public Speaking Engagement
Are you unsure of what is specifically needed, yet know your organization needs some sort of inspiration or education? This option is for you! Reach out today to co-create a tailor-made solution to meet the specific needs of your organization.
On-going Consultation Workshops
Workshops provide an introduction into meaning-making from a multi-sensory perspective wherein participants learn how they make sense of their individual patterns. By using tools, services, resources, and psychoeducation, students can become not only acquainted with and learn how to align with their career-life needs, values and goals, but also learn how to with those held by the organization. This process is applied to support mastery in a variety of skills that are individually negotiated, collectively meaningful, and necessary for real-world change to simultaneously honor and transcend cultural differences for the purpose of synergy. Workshops can be offered on a yearly, bi-annually, or quarterly basis.
Group and Individual Sessions
Sessions are provided for employees and/or employers in an individual or group forum either online or in-person. (Employers and employees participate in separate sessions.) In these sessions, a tailor-made protocol is applied to provide support to ensure needs and aspirations are met for both individual and company-level goals. Sessions can be offered weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. Consistency and increased frequency, however, is recommended for optimal results.
Legacy Lessons is also thrilled to extend these services to individuals who desire change in their career-life design and need either short- or long-term support.
Three (3), One-on-One Sessions
Are you desiring change, yet don’t know where to begin? This option is for you! After three sessions, you will be equipped with the plan of action that supports you in being able to co-create the life you hope to experience.
On-going Monthly Sessions
Ongoing, monthly sessions begin with 3 weekly sessions, followed by monthly sessions.
Sessions provide an ongoing understanding of the meaning-making process from a multi-sensory perspective wherein individuals learn how they make sense of their mind-body patterns. By using tools, services, resources, and psychoeducation, participants can become acquainted with and learn how to align with and communicate their career-life needs, values and goals.
Want accountability partners? Feel free to sign up as a group for a discounted group rate!
Seasonal Sessions
Sessions are provided either online or in-person four (4) times per year: winter, spring, summer, and fall. Participants can either start with this package or build up to this package. Consistency and increased frequency are recommended for optimal results, however, the goal of the training is to support you in mastering skill development to confidently navigate the supports and challenges of your own life (i.e., you may only need seasonal sessions, and that’s okay). In these sessions, a tailor-made protocol has been co-created with you and is applied to provide support to ensure your specific needs and aspirations are met.