Jennifer, Hand & Stone Spa — Business Administrator
Being a part of Dr. Licata’s Legacy Lessons was a truly life-changing experience for everyone on our team. Everyone who was blessed enough to attend the 2-day course have only had great things to say and have felt empowered to be focused on their personal journey and their journey working with us at Hand & Stone Spa Gulf Shores. We were able to have the owners, managers, spa associates, estheticians, and massage therapists work in a group setting that helped us to not only form our team, but also form our goals. Our employees have expressed the difference it made, coming to a new business, being able to know that their life experience matters more than anything else.
The training was set up in a way that let everyone feel like they were on the same level. Using a synergistic team approach, everyone who attended felt like the goals of the store aligned with their goals as an employee, which helped us to start this business with a team mindset by everyone being willing to work through the hard times, knowing they have support from management and from Dr. Licata. Learning a variety of innovative strategies that we could employ to help us navigate our day-to-day life was something none of us had experienced in our work history; having personal boundaries in the workplace, for example, is a helpful way for us all to stay on track and focused on our goals in the best atmosphere possible. Using her lessons, our management team was able to work with our new employees to form a focused goal for not only sales and revenue, but also personal growth while we are working together.
We feel that the Legacy Lessons training is essential to the success of our business, because it focuses our business on both our employee’s and customer’s needs. Working with Dr. Licata has helped a few of our individual employees since our workshop, and we look forward to our monthly, group check-ins to make sure that we are all staying on track — making our personal and work goals a priority in our everyday life. Thank you for all your guidance and expertise with our new Hand & Stone Spa.